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Build your own Resin Table Joinery Course at Alderwood!

Have you ever found yourself watching a woodworking or resin tutorial video at 2am, (long after your recommended bed time) and caught yourself saying ‘I could do that!’

Yea, us too. The only difference is myself and my brother were mad enough to give up our successful careers to actually try it.

What followed was many sleepless nights watching various ‘experts’ online tell us how to get the perfect resin pour. This was followed by many experiments in our house chasing the formula to get the perfect resin table, in the most efficient way possible. And guess what… we actually did it.

Now, I wouldn’t recommend you do what we did, especially if you like money and a social life...

Luckily for you we offer a far easier path to gain the skills and knowledge to create your own bespoke table!

Alderwood is launching its very own, first of its kind in Ireland, Build your own Resin Table Joinery Course!

Our two-day wood/resin joinery course, based in our 4000 square foot warehouse in Lisburn consists of the following:

Session 1 - You will start the class with a safety induction followed by a walk around our

showroom showing off some of the examples of our work and how we go about our design

process. Then you will then begin by selecting your timber, we will have a variety of pre-milled light and dark woods to choose from. The timber will still need to be cut to your desired shape & size. Then we mix the epoxy resin and create your desired colour/effect. We will have silicone moulds ready to place your timber into and pour your resin around, so rest assured there shouldn't be any leaks! Your projects will then be left to cure until the second day of the class.

Session 2 - Students will return to their tables removed from their mould, flattened and cut to agreed size (maximum 55cm x 35cm). A significant part of woodworking is sanding, so using orbital palm sanders you will sand your way up through the grits to achieve a smooth top, not forgetting to add your edging detail to the sides of the table. Once fully sanded it's time to apply the finish and attach the legs (black hairpin legs included, but there will be upgrade opportunities). It is recommended that you leave the table with us for at least 1 day before transporting it home to allow the finish to fully cure.

In the class you will be using a router, palm sander, and a drill. All tools and materials will be provided, including: H&S equipment, Hair pin legs, Epoxy resin, oil-wax finish and the lumber.

So, if a Joinery Course making resin tables is something you would be interested in, book online at our website, or reach out to us on the ‘contact us’ page to arrange your very own slot!

Alder Best,

The Murphy Brothers.

To keep up to date with all of our news, offers and updates, please be sure to follow us on our social media channels - Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin or if you have any questions about our products or processes, go to our contact page.

Build your own Resin Table Joinery Course at Alderwood! Alderwood `Studios 2022

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